Author biography in 55 words: Ellinor Kall is a liminal writer who grew up kinda lost among the forests and mountains in northern Sweden. A queer shadow with sparks in between worlds. Born out of emotion and will, glamorized photos and words. Once quoted saying: “I’m not lost, I just don’t know where I am.” Maybe that says it all.
I’m a demi-fictional non-binary alias that writes random lunacy and occasional insights about the mind while masking it as weird and a bit queer fiction. Some essays and ideas concerning consciousness, fiction, art and language may occur. The border between journal and poetry can sometimes blur. Not to mention the rambling oracles about magic that suddenly appears out of nowhere.
You can find my short-story The DreamCube Thread published in the anthology Vast by British independent press Orchid’s Lantern. Also check out my short animated music video Ellinor’s Theme Song!
Apart from the English texts on this page I’ve written a lot of stuff in Swedish. That is however published under another name. I’m keeping my names separate for now. Identity is a tricky thing. For hints about this read between the lines in my journal, especially my entry about the peace treaty, the oracle of me claiming to be a binary star and most recently me being multiple me.
I’ll be adding both new and old texts to this site when I get the chance. I got writings all over the place, not always easy to find. Or even to understand. Since English is my second language spelling and grammar may falter sometimes. It is what it is.
If you’re looking for a specific text you can choose categories and find lists with direct links to all contents in the menu. Enjoy!
PS: For more of my writing follow me on social media – a bit sporadic at the moment though…
(No longer on Twitter)