My thoughts on the mind, magic, consciousness, extranousics, psychology, neuroscience, ideaspace and the reality of realities beyond actual reality.
- Tealfulness 2021-11-02
- Prison break 2021-01-16
- What changes? 2021-01-14
- Selves, Snakes and Sticks 2020-12-12
- The Magic Selves 2020-11-01
- Neverending 2020-07-24
- Awakedreaming Reality 2019-06-05
- Schematic over influences 2019-05-28
- About Actual Reality 2019-05-19
- Reminder 2019-05-11
- The Garden 2019-05-10
- The Unpredictable is Frightening 2019-04-17
- Spelling: Names and Mirroring 2019-02-18
- The Languages of Magic 2019-02-16
- Elastic times are here again 2018-10-09
- Conglomerate personalities 2018-03-12
- What is magic? 2018-01-07
- How to be a magician 2018-01-01
- Humor is the key 2018-01-01
- The Value of Nothing 2018-01-01
- The four basic forces 2018-01-01
- Magical beings 2018-01-01
- Doctrines are Alphabeths 2018-01-01
- The Veil of Coherence 2018-01-01
- Everything and its opposite is one 2018-01-01