
Five Statements

  • Everything is connected
  • Nagu is a reality shifted word
  • Climb the tree and walk the paths
  • Navigate the beacons (of the forest)
  • Nothing matters, everything matters

Everything is connected

It all fits together. Like a puzzle made of all its pieces. The universe is one giant mycelium where everything is connected to something else connected to something else until everything is connected. We got one unit of all. Affecting one thing affects everything. Cherish the beauty of unexpected connections!

Nagu is a reality shifted word

Everything is real. But there is no such thing as reality. The tangible, physical world is fluid and certainly not exclusively real. It’s all our best Everything is real. But we never experience reality. What we think of as the tangible, physical world is only a construct of our mind. It’s our best guess. On top of this reality model we also create many intangible social realities out of information. The mind, our cognition and our will, shapes what we agree on into a conglomerate reality. And by observation, suggestion, presence, action, grand art or subtle words we change reality. Nagu is Magi when right moves to the left. By this simple action reality has shifted.

Walk the paths and climb the tree

An old map that could be used for many things is the emanations of the tree with its magnetic liquid portal paths. These are symbolic aspects of the world, of life, individuals and everything. Many other points of view exist and all these maps or guides, call them what you want, offer a language to navigate yourself and escort others through existence, to focus minds, to inspire, to suggest, to question, to change, to assist you – but never to command you. A good map is a guide that never tells you where to go.

Navigate the beacons (of the forest)

The “dividing tiny rays” illuminate the symmetries beyond words and can turn music to architecture. Their depth is immeasurable and their height reaches beyond heaven. They always smile but their light can be subtle and humble or willful and wayward. So greet them respectfully and remember: They may tell you your innermost secrets.

Nothing matters, everything matters

Nothing has meaning, everything has meaning. The universe has no purpose, the universe is purpose. There is an attraction in everything, everything is repulsive. Nothing exists, everything fucks. Nothing is something – and it’s all symbolic of course!


Ritual for accepting your body or your self

Gather a few close ones. At most a handful. If you have to be at home or indoors, engulf yourself in music you feel comfortable and relaxed with. If it’s possible you’d prefer to go to an open field where you can be alone and undisturbed.

Sit in kind of a circle on the floor or ground and relax with your backs at each other so you can’t see the other faces. Relax some more. Just be there, in the now. Don’t think. Look out on the field. Be.

When you’re calm, write down the negative thoughts about yourself on paper. Fold it. Condense and encrypt it all into a few select words from your writing and write them on the outside of the folded paper. It should not be comprehensible, just some of the words that you feel fit. That is the spell. To be used later.

Then make a sound so that the others know you’re done. Wait for others if they also will perform the ritual, and then turn and face each other.

The first to make sound moves into the center of the gathered and wears the blindfold over the paper over the eyes. The paper with the writing blinds you. Acknowledge that you can’t see because of the paper. Then focus the mind on the paper and the feeling you evoked while writing it. Imbue the paper with the emotion.

Stand up when you are ready. The others, still on ground, will watch you intently. Loving what they see, thinking only of you. Focusing on only positive feelings about you. While you focus on being watched. Be aware that they are focusing entirely on you. Visualize them watching you.

If private you could strip some clothes and feel the eyes of the others on your skin. The more skin, the more powerful it gets. Otherwise keep your clothes on until you are ready. Let them closer and closer, let them touch you, avoiding tickling you. Their touch should be gentle, caring, friendly, but never shy or hesitant. They must notice the response, avoid making discomfort in you, just go slow, until you accept the touching.

Then you remove the blindfold and the paper. Face the smiling, loving others! Read the words on the outside of the paper, recite the spell loud. Several times. Make a chant of it. The others may fall in and out of helping as they hear the words. Stop looking at the paper. Let the words jumble and distort until it is just nonsense!

While exclaiming your nonsense you cut the paper, put it on fire, wash the charred remains to the ground and rub it into the earth.

Rise to your feet and let the others adore your splendor from below! You are beautiful!

Higgabam! Reality has shifted!


Ritual for transmitting contempt

If you feel contempt for someone you are visiting and are unable to convey that directly to them you can excuse yourself with going to the main toilet in the house saying something like: “I have business to attend in there”.

Lock the door behind you. Stand beside the bathroom mirror so that you can not see your own reflection. This is very important! You must never see your own face in the mirror during the ritual.

Focus on the room you see in the mirror and believe that what you see is the real room and that you are standing inside the reflection. You are hidden inside the mirror.

Spit spitefully on the mirror and whisper an insult. No wishes for harm or misfortune, that’s a slippery slope, just make it an insult.

Something short like: “You disgusting motherfucking pig!”

Smear the spit around as if rubbing it in the face of the motherfucker.

Wipe the spit away with a towel so it won’t be detected, and then the ritual is over.

Exit happily knowing that you have put a strong insult on the pig.

This mirror is probably the place where the person most often see themselves. They will face your contempt every morning, every night,  unknowingly like a “Kick me-sign” on their backs.

Higgabam! Reality has changed!


The society (without name)


This is the second manifesto of the society (without name) that explores existence. The society is now without name but was once known as the society with the flame as a sign. It was founded by the torchbearer and the psychonaut. Those names are not names, but epithets and in any case lowercase. The society is in constant change and this manifest is a temporary focus that will dissolve and eventually coagulate in another way.

The society is – but is not. It’s a suggestion that puts the members in a special state of mind and suddenly, like a vibration, a certain frequency, it exists. From an inner, or extremely outer, existence the society manifest in the physical world whenever the society is projected and untangled from the minds of the society itself. The society is a certain frequency in the heart and mind (and by all means also elsewhere).

The tools used by the society constantly change as the society changes. Some residue is gathered and returns in some form. The tree could be the skeleton of the society, the substances could be the blood that rushes around and the flesh made flesh could be the four basic forces magic, art, language and consciousness.

In a curious way, without preconceptions, the society builds it’s research on the basis of earlier explorers work, but without ever getting limited by these. The society is always free to choose to believe or reject. Watch the lighthouses, navigate towards or away from them. Walk in the shadow sometimes or stop for coffee by the light bulb. Change is healthy. Contrast is developing. Nothing is black or white. Progress shall be the beacon. The goal is whatever the society finds interesting, that which elevates knowledge, happiness, ecstasy, a better life and a better world.

Everything is connected!

Spelled for the society (without name),
Ellinor Kall



Feeling cold
While being too hot
Like an unobserved electron
Never pushed to

Inspired by real events


The first beacons

Up in the forest, in the light autumn fog, among the fractal pines, on a small height, where the bedrock comes up to face daylight, close to a big rock that look like a giant turtle head, I saw the trunks, branches and twigs of the surrounding trees more clearly than I ever thought possible. I giggled as a secret was revealed to me from the bright shining beacons of the mushrooms that I saw in the fuzzy, wet moss far below the height. I realized that the world was malleable, that I was malleable, that I was in between worlds, that I’m a focus, that perspectives can change, that reality is ours for the making. It was a slow and gentle, spiritual and very human, awakening which made me calm, serene and confident about the nature of myself and the world and that art as magic is my will. There it was, a connection between the woods, my close friends and myself. Something changed in me. And I’ve slowly started to understand – and accept – that I am me.


Secrets of the Octopuses

Something happened to the Octopuses. They made a leap somehow. Skipped a couple of millions of years. And then they hid it from us. Pretended business as usual. In the beginning many of them sacrificed themselves, pretending to be stupid mollusks, to avoid us knowing. But eventually our scientists got suspicious and quickly realized the whole thing. It’s still under wraps though, no one knows how to handle it yet.

We are trying to map out their complicated language at the moment, trying to establish some common ground. They were probably inspired by our language, but since they have no means of vocalization and a different way of hearing, they had to go in another direction. That, and the fact that their one plus eight minds are very different from our single minds, makes interspecies communication a difficult and slow process. But they are eager to cooperate. Though I think it’s only to get access to our technology since they’re not very good with building things physically.

One of their earliest wishes when contact was made, was to get control over, or get help to build, a spacecraft able to reach Saturn. Possibly to send a mixed human and octopus crew to Enceladus, from what I gather. It might have something to do with what they call “the knowledge”. It’s some kind of information that they are born with, it has been in their DNA for millions of years – apparently since long before their more recent leap in sentiency. It’s a piece of information all of them possess but have yet never revealed to any human.

Another secret I’ve learned is that the Octopuses wants help with neurosurgery to make one of their arms/minds cybernetically detachable so that it can be switched among individuals to transfer thoughts and knowledge.



When you are one step away
Only one step away
And you hesitate
Because you know
There is only one step left


The Immortality Twist

“Oh no”, was my first reaction. “Why me?”, my second. Eventually everyone on Earth will know I’m immortal. They’ll hate me. They’ll envy me for having endless relapses into depression, an eternity to wonder what to eat for dinner and a never ending line of job interviews. Oh, almost forgot: An infinite number of orgasms.

TVS Monthly Nanofiction Bonanza May 2017
The challenge: Write a story, exactly 55 words.
You have achieved immortality not just as a state of being but as a life process. Tell us about it, either how it happened, what you will do with, or how it’s changed your perspective.


Statement one

In a world of either/or
I’m neither/nor


The Oracular Nomenclature

  • An Oracle is text or talk about the ontology of magic; also the person delivering these.
  • The Divine is inspiration (creative flow, love, ecstasy).
  • Holy is someone who is inspired (one who is whole) or something done in inspiration (made whole).
  • Sacred is that which inspires (art, nature, beauty, emotions, etc).
  • Infernal is that which distracts (aggression, threats, coercion, etc).
  • The Intrinity is a state when divine, holy and sacred is in harmony.
  • Virtue is to further (to help, guide, facilitate, cooperate in benevolent actions).
  • Sin is hinder or ruining (to block or obstruct benevolent actions, destroying possibilities for others).
  • Heaven is mental existence, the mind, consciousness, thinking, logic, dreaming, creating, art, abstraction, content with solitude and introspection, meditation, acceptance, control, the transcendent ego. (Not necessarily positive.)
  • Hell is physical existence, the body, eating and drinking, concrete actions, feeling pain and joy, doing things together, groups cooperating, relations, sex, orgies, conflict, chaos, the physical ego. (Not necessarily negative.)
  • Magic is creation and influence by will emanating from the Intrinity that is manifesting inside reality. (More elsewhere.)
  • Sorcery is the very dangerous operation of manipulating the actual structure of reality itself (changing the source). (More elsewhere.)
  • Actual reality is energy and matter in space and time (the physical universe).
  • Social reality is (an infrastructure of) intangible concepts that affect the actual reality (like Mondays, money and millimeters).
  • Ideaspace is where fiction and ideas exist; could be seen as a part of social reality (where Superman, Kali and Winnie the Pooh exists).

(More words to be explained…)


Inside Universe

“How can I explain this. It’s like a shell. We live in the soft, fleshy body of a hermit crab, endlessly walking the seabed. All matter we observe – seafood. Encapsulating that is the shell; hard, separate and a completely different world. We don’t know where it came from, but it’s there all the same.”

TVS Monthly Nanofiction Bonanza April 2017
The challenge: Write a story, exactly 55 words.
What if the universe we perceive is contained within another universe?



When the tightrope catches fire you better run, she said as I ventured out over the bottomless chasm with the intention of never looking back. As soon as I felt the heat I started to scurry along the line. Flames licked my legs and my soles got scorched black as well as my soul. The acrid smell of burning hair was overwhelming and I could feel the fibers bursting like ruptured tendons in the rope under my feet. Finally my mask of wax, that I had carried to conceal my true face for a long time, melted and the sizzling, fiery drops disappeared in the abyss below. Everything was pain. But if I fell I knew I would never get back up from the depth again. So I tried to focus through the sweat and tears in my eyes. Run, she screamed, and I ran like never before.


Marschta: The Barn

The Marschta Barn

The barn haunted me. I could not stop watching it. There was something inside. Something would step out of it anytime. I had to see what it was. I spent days up there. Brought a sleeping-bag when it was cold. Just watching. Listening. I had to. I had to know. What was the thing inside?

Text: Ellinor Kall | Photo: Fred Andersson


Marschta: The Nexus

The Marschta Nexus was one of northern Europe’s great centers for focused geomantic energy. The inhabitants in the towering building at the center of it didn’t notice, but the rosette-shaped energy field was slowly changing them. They had started to communicate with each other, in a subtle way, unnoticeable to an untrained eye.

Text: Ellinor Kall | Photo: Fred Andersson


Marschta: The Marsch

The Marschta Marsh

This morning I heard anguished cries for help from the marsh, but when I got there the voice had gone silent. I stood watching for a few minutes, holding my breath, listening. But the water remained still. Only a lone bird was heard far away from the treeline. I took a picture before I went home.

Text: Ellinor Kall | Photo: Fred Andersson

Featured Prose

On the Shoreline

That summer morning on the shoreline was magical. Everything was as perfect as it gets for a short, blissful moment. The slow waves rolling in hardly made a sound — as if the great lake didn’t want to disturb us this early. No wind and no birds could be heard. It was a peaceful contrast to what happened last night. A brief respite perhaps. Because it was not quite over yet.

We wore no shoes and on our way down to the lake we felt the dew in the grass moisten our feet while we ran. Then, when we reached the small stretch by the lake that we had cleared from stones and called beach, the sand stuck to our skin and for a moment it looked as if we wore golden brown socks.

Sophia started to laugh and pointed at my feet. I laughed too, because seeing her laugh eased my pain a bit. If she could laugh maybe all wasn’t lost after all. She gave me hope with that sudden burst. That was the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever had. Hope from nothing. What a wonder! Then the moment passed and our smiles faded fast when we continued our fast trek along the shore.

As soon as we had crossed the patch of sand the sharp stones began to hurt our feet. I regretted leaving without shoes. But there had been no time. We had left in a bit of a hurry without knowing exactly where we were going. I took her hand to help keep her balance as the stones became rocks and boulders. But only a few steps later she cut her foot on a sharp edge and blood started washing the sticky sand away. I knew we could not continue at this pace any longer.

Without shoes we were trapped. There was no way out of this. We both knew it, and we knew it even before we ran. We didn’t run to get away. We ran to get a last moment together. I realized that the moment had already passed when we laughed in the sand. That was it. That was all we got. That was the precious moment I would cherish hereafter. That was the magical moment we had made that final run for. For that moment on the shoreline.

Helplessly I saw her sit down, resigned, with tears flowing.

“Ellinor, we’re fucked”, she exclaimed. “Really fucked this time.”

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